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Navigating Foggy Roads- UP State Road Transport Corporation implements stringent new guidelines due to chilling fog conditions!

Navigating Foggy Roads: UP State Road Transport Corporation implements stringent new guidelines due to chilling fog conditions!

As the cold wave and dense fog tighten their grip on northern India, the Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC) has introduced new guidelines to manage passenger bus operations during periods of low visibility. UPSRTC officials emphasize that buses should not operate when visibility is poor due to fog. The corporation advises operators to park buses at safe locations and wait until visibility improves before resuming operations.Monitoring Major Routes

To ensure safety, staff deployed at bus stands have been given the responsibility of monitoring the condition of major routes. They are instructed to alert operators when necessary and prevent buses from running until visibility conditions improve. These guidelines follow a series of accidents reported in different parts of the state this week, attributable to fog and low visibility conditions.

Navigating Foggy Roads- UP State Road Transport Corporation implements stringent new guidelines due to chilling fog conditions!

Satellite Images and Advisory

IMD has released satellite images depicting the extension of the fog layer across northern regions. The advisory emphasizes caution while driving, suggesting the use of fog lights. Those planning air or rail travel are advised to stay in touch with airlines, railways, and state transport for journey schedules.

(With ANI Inputs)
