

At Vibrant Gujarat 2024, Ashwini Vaishnaw gives key updates on mega Bullet Train project

时间:2024-06-02 05:48:50 阅读(143)

At Vibrant Gujarat 2024, Ashwini Vaishnaw gives key updates on mega Bullet Train project

Addressing the media during the ongoing Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit, Union Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnav provided a detailed and insightful glimpse into the multifaceted aspects of India’s ambitious bullet train project. His remarks covered various critical elements, showcasing a holistic perspective on the ongoing endeavor that aims to redefine the country’s transportation landscape.What’s in a Name: Public Participation in Branding

Vaishnaw invited suggestions from the public for the name of the bullet train. When asked, “What will you name the bullet train project once it’s operational,” Vaishnav replied ‘you should suggest the name.’

At Vibrant Gujarat 2024, Ashwini Vaishnaw gives key updates on mega Bullet Train project

Ensuring Accessibility: Affordable Bullet Train Fare

Addressing concerns about the affordability of the bullet train, Vaishnav assured the public that the fare would be kept ‘affordable.’

Mumbai-Pune Hyperloop: A Dynamic Experiment

Vaishnaw described the Mumbai-Pune hyperloop as a dynamic experiment still in progress. Vaishnav said it’s a dynamic experiment that’s still going on.

Beyond Arithmetic: Synergistic Impact of the Bullet Train

In a visionary statement, Vaishnaw asserted that the impact of the bullet train project would not be a mere sum (1+1=2) but a synergistic boost (1+1=11).

Economic Development on the Horizon

Vaishnaw painted a picture of mega economic development for key cities, including Mumbai, Thane, Vapi, Baroda, Surat, Sanand, and Ahmedabad, emphasizing that the bullet train project catalyzes broader economic growth beyond transportation infrastructure.

Turning Dreams into Reality: Rapid Progress and Viaduct Milestones

Assuring the public that the dream of the bullet train will soon become a reality, Vaishnaw highlighted the project’s rapid pace. A significant achievement was noted with the completion of a 272 km viaduct, marking a tangible milestone in the journey towards high-speed connectivity.

Operational Details: Average Work Rate and Challenges in Maharashtra

Vaishnaw shared operational details, indicating that the team is presently working at an average rate of 14 km per month. While acknowledging initial challenges in Maharashtra, he expressed, “But now, we will see quick progress in Maharashtra as well.”

In conclusion, Ashwini Vaishnaw’s statements at the Vibrant Gujarat Summit provide a deep dive into the various dimensions of the bullet train project, showcasing not only its infrastructural aspects but also its potential socio-economic impact. As India moves forward in reimagining its transportation landscape, the bullet train project stands as a symbol of progress and innovation.


