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Israel escalates offensive in Northern Gaza amid rising tensions! Biden, Netanyahu discuss military objectives

Israel escalates offensive in Northern Gaza amid rising tensions! Biden, Netanyahu discuss military objectives

As Israel intensifies efforts to regain control of northern Gaza from Hamas militants, the region witnesses persistent aerial bombardment and shelling. The town of Jabalia is enveloped in thick smoke as Israeli tanks advance further into the area, prompting concerns and condemnation.US-Israel Talks on Military Operations

Amid the ongoing conflict, US President Joe Biden engaged in discussions with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The leaders deliberate on Israel’s military objectives, the protection of civilian lives, and the release of hostages held by the Palestinian militant group.

Israel escalates offensive in Northern Gaza amid rising tensions! Biden, Netanyahu discuss military objectives

Diplomatic Maneuvers at the UN

The UN Security Council appeals for additional aid for the Palestinian enclave, prompting diplomatic maneuvers. The council removes a call for an immediate end to the war from the draft resolution, reflecting the US and Israel’s opposition to a ceasefire, citing concerns about potential Hamas regrouping and rearming.

Humanitarian Crisis Deepens

The Palestinian death toll rises to 20,258, with thousands believed to be trapped under rubble. Almost the entire population of Gaza is displaced, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis. Israel reports 154 soldiers killed since the ground incursion began in response to Hamas’ earlier actions.

Israel’s Expanding Ground Offensive

Israel claims almost complete operational control of northern Gaza and hints at expanding the ground offensive, particularly in southern areas. The focus remains on eliminating Hamas and securing the release of hostages.

International Criticism and Local Outcry

Global condemnation grows as images of the conflict circulate. Critics argue that international law has collapsed, while residents in Gaza express dismay over the continuous bombings and the impact on civilian life.

Alleged Hamas Attacks on Israeli Tanks

Hamas’ armed wing, Al Qassam Brigades, claims to have destroyed five Israeli tanks, using undetonated missiles launched by Israel. The Israeli Defence Forces counter, stating that decoy shots lured militants from a Hamas headquarters, allowing for their elimination.

Regional Spillover: Yemen’s Involvement

The conflict extends beyond the immediate region, with Yemen’s Houthi forces targeting vessels in the Red Sea in retaliation for Israel’s actions in Gaza. The US intercepts drones launched from Houthi-controlled areas, preventing further attacks.

Iranian Involvement and Threats

Iran became involved in the conflict, with a drone launched from Iran striking a chemical tanker. An Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander issues a vague warning, suggesting the closure of the Mediterranean Sea if the US and its allies continue their actions in Gaza.

As the situation unfolds, tensions escalate on multiple fronts, with diplomatic efforts struggling to contain the deepening crisis in the region.

(With Reuters Inputs)
